Frequently Asked Questions

Steiner education is known for its unique approach to teaching and learning, which can sometimes lead to confusion among those who are unfamiliar with the model. Here are some frequently asked questions about Steiner education in Australia that can help resolve common misunderstandings:

What is Steiner education?

Steiner education, also known as Waldorf education, is an educational philosophy that emphasizes a holistic approach to learning, focusing on intellectual, artistic, and practical skills. It was developed by Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century and aims to cultivate students’ creativity, critical thinking, and social awareness.

How is Steiner education different from traditional education?

Steiner education differs from traditional education by emphasizing experiential learning, arts integration, and a developmentally appropriate curriculum. It often avoids early academic pressure, encourages imaginative play, and supports a well-rounded education that includes music, art, movement, and handwork.

What is a Steiner stream school within the Department of Education Australia?

A Steiner stream school within the Department of Education Australia is an educational setting that incorporates the principles of Steiner education into a mainstream school environment. The stream is inclusive of Steiner pedagogy and curriculum. Mainstream is inclusive of the Australian Curriculum and Mainstream pedagogy. Both streams follow the guidelines of the Department of Education.

How does the Steiner stream approach differ from traditional education in a mainstream school?

The Steiner stream approach within a mainstream school emphasizes holistic learning, artistic expression, and a developmental curriculum. It blends the Steiner philosophy with the standard curriculum, providing students with an alternative, well-rounded education that nurtures their creativity, critical thinking, and social awareness.

Is Steiner education religious?

All Department schools are secular. Steiner Education in Steiner streams are not religious though there are spiritual elements. The focus of Steiner Education in Stream schools is on nurturing the individual’s sense of wonder and interconnectedness.

Why does Steiner education delay formal academics until later grades?

Steiner education advocates delaying formal academics, such as reading and writing, until a child’s developmental readiness, typically around age seven. This approach aims to nurture a child’s creativity, imagination, and social skills before introducing more structured learning. In a Steiner stream department school, if your child is ready to read at 5 or 6 years, s/he will be welcome to do so with assistance.

How do Steiner schools assess student progress?

Steiner schools often use narrative assessments and teacher observations to track student progress. They value qualitative assessments that consider each student’s individual growth, rather than relying solely on traditional letter grades or standardized testing.

What is the significance of arts and crafts in Steiner education?

The arts and crafts play a central role in Steiner education, as they are believed to contribute to a well-rounded and balanced development of students. Creative activities, such as drawing, painting, and handwork, help stimulate imagination and fine motor skills. Arts and crafts assist in communication, expression, emotional development, understanding numeracy, mathematics, design and technology, the list goes on.

Does the Steiner stream school align with the Australian curriculum?

While the Steiner stream school operates within the Department of Education, The curriculum used is the ACARA Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework which is nationally recognised. This results in a curriculum that respects developmental stages and offers a holistic approach to learning and meets the expectations and standards of Australian education.

Is the Steiner stream school officially recognized by the Department of Education Australia?

Yes, Steiner stream schools within the Department of Education Australia are officially recognized and accredited. They undergo evaluations to ensure they meet education standards and the requirements set by the educational authorities.

Why do they use blackboards in Steiner classrooms?

The use of blackboards in Steiner classrooms aligns with the educational philosophy’s emphasis on natural materials, sensory experiences, teacher-student interaction, and artistic expression. It reflects the holistic approach to education that Rudolf Steiner envisioned, fostering a deeper understanding of subjects while nurturing creativity and engagement.

Do they use technology in the Steiner classrooms at Basket Range Primary School?

There are no digital technologies used in the early years of Steiner education. There is recognition and the teaching that technology has its place in the modern world without having devices in the classroom. As students progress through to the higher grade ( Class 6) technology is introduced in a controlled and thoughtful manner, aligning with the educational principles and developmental needs of the older students. The limited use of technology in Steiner classrooms is a deliberate choice based on the belief that a more holistic, hands-on, and nature-oriented approach is better suited for fostering well-rounded individuals who are capable of critical thinking, creativity, and meaningful interpersonal connections.

Is Steiner education student led?

Steiner education is not typically characterized as strictly “student-led” in the way that some contemporary educational philosophies emphasize student autonomy and decision-making. Instead, Steiner education employs a unique approach that places a strong emphasis on the role of the teacher, the developmental stages of the child, and a balanced curriculum. In Steiner classrooms, teachers play a central role as guides and facilitators of learning. They carefully plan and present lessons in ways that capture students’ interest and engage their senses, sparking curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

These questions and answers can help clarify some common misconceptions and provide a better understanding of Steiner education in South Australia. Keep in mind that individual Steiner stream schools may have variations in their practices and approaches, so it’s always a good idea to directly communicate with the schools to gather more specific information.